The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is a series that has always given me a very good feeling. I remember when I was a child and I cameback home from school, on the lunch time I always watched this wonderful series of the 90s.
In my opinion, the most funny moment was always the beginnig, this catchy tune in which his grandmother was pointing at the camera with a finger saying "With your uncle and your aunt you will go to Bel-Air". What a shame that the grandmother did not appear too much because I'm sure it would have given much play.
Will Smith, the protagonist, was the typical hyperactive boy, impetuous, spontaneous and good hearted who was always exasperating everyone, but who I really liked in that series was Carlton Banks.
Carlton was the typical boy with good manners, repellent and always trying to do everything according to rules set by his own discipline, but in reality was a shy and insecure boy who needed the other's approval.
In my opinion, the most funny moment was always the beginnig, this catchy tune in which his grandmother was pointing at the camera with a finger saying "With your uncle and your aunt you will go to Bel-Air". What a shame that the grandmother did not appear too much because I'm sure it would have given much play.
Will Smith, the protagonist, was the typical hyperactive boy, impetuous, spontaneous and good hearted who was always exasperating everyone, but who I really liked in that series was Carlton Banks.
Carlton was the typical boy with good manners, repellent and always trying to do everything according to rules set by his own discipline, but in reality was a shy and insecure boy who needed the other's approval.
I'm attaching here some videos with which I died of laughter.
You guys also used to watch this series? Which character do you prefer? What was the most funny episode?
______________________________________________________You guys also used to watch this series? Which character do you prefer? What was the most funny episode?
El príncipe de Bel-Air es una serie que siempre me ha dado un buen rollo increíble. Recuerdo que cuando volvía del colegio, en la hora de la comida siempre veíamos capítulos sueltos de esta serie tan maravillosa de los años 90.
Para mí lo más divertido siempre era el principio, esa melodía pegadiza en la que salía su abuela desde un trono y apuntaba a la cámara con un dedo diciendo "Con tu tío y con tu tía te irás a Bel-Air". Qué pena que la abuela no apareciera casi porque seguro que hubiera dado muchísimo juego.
Para mí lo más divertido siempre era el principio, esa melodía pegadiza en la que salía su abuela desde un trono y apuntaba a la cámara con un dedo diciendo "Con tu tío y con tu tía te irás a Bel-Air". Qué pena que la abuela no apareciera casi porque seguro que hubiera dado muchísimo juego.
Will Smith, el protagonista, era el típico chico hiperactivo, impetuoso, espontáneo y con buen corazón que siempre acababa sacando de quicio a todo el mundo, sin embargo a mi quien me gustaba de verdad en esa serie era Carlton Banks.
Carlton era el típico muchacho repelente y con buenos modales que siempre intentaba hacer todo siguiendo unas normas marcadas por su propia disciplina, aunque en realidad era un niño mimado y un tanto cobarde
Aquí os dejo algunos vídeos con los que yo me moría de la risa.
¿Vosotros también veíais esta serie? ¿Qué personaje os gustaba más? ¿Qué momento os resultó más divertido?
Carlton era el típico muchacho repelente y con buenos modales que siempre intentaba hacer todo siguiendo unas normas marcadas por su propia disciplina, aunque en realidad era un niño mimado y un tanto cobarde
Aquí os dejo algunos vídeos con los que yo me moría de la risa.
¿Vosotros también veíais esta serie? ¿Qué personaje os gustaba más? ¿Qué momento os resultó más divertido?
Thanks for reminding me about the TV series....someone will be losing a lot of nights to re-watching these.