Hoy estaba pensando en la película que ví ayer. Se llamaba Blue Valentine. Me gusto mucho. No tenía director conocido ni super actores, pero la realidad es que me llegó muy muy adentro. Es como cuando leo un libro y es mi reflejo en papel, pues esta película podríamos decir que se convirtió en mi reflejo audivisual.
Con esto quiero decir, que muchas veces reflexiono sobre el paso del tiempo, lo que hice, lo que hago o lo que me queda por hacer, también en lo contradictoria que puedo resultar muchas veces.
Y sí, puedo decir que soy una afortunada en todo. ¿Sabéis lo que me encanta? Cuando me siento y me pongo a recordar, y me doy cuenta de que me he sentido genial después de haberme sentido fatal, y de que me he sentido fatal después de haberme sentido genial. Porque la vida plana es un aburrimiento, y porque son esos momentos en los que te equivocas y en los que te vuelves a levantar, esos momentos en los que todo lo que hay a tu alrededor desaparece y te olvidas del tiempo, esos momentos en los que te dejas llevar y desnudas tu personalidad, esos momentos en los que te dan todo o no te dan nada, esos momentos en los que te ries hasta llorar o lloras hasta desgarrarte, esos momentos en los que fuiste el más feliz y todo era real o en los que confiaste en alguien pero luego nada era verdad, son todos esos momentos los que al final te forman como persona y los que escriben tu historia.
Mi historia, como todo, esta formada por héroes y villanos. Y por todo estoy agradecida. Mis héroes siempre estarán y los villanos/as, pues sólo son gente que quedó atrás, perdedores, pura mediocridad. Pero ahora sonrío cuando pienso en lo mal que me lo hicieron pasar pero como con el tiempo su propio veneno les ha acabado por asfixiar.
En fin, esto va por todos vosotros/as, gracias por haberme hecho brillar.
Today I was thinking about the film I saw yesterday. It was called Blue Valentine. I really liked it. It had not a famous director or super actors, but the reality is that it touched me deep inside. It's like when I read a book and is my reflection on paper, here we could say that this film became my audivisual reflection.
I mean, that often reflect on the passage of time, which I did, what I do or what I will do, and what a contradictory person I am sometimes.
And yes, I can say that I'm lucky in everything. Do you know what I love? When I sit and I start to remember, and I realize that I felt great after having felt fatal, and that I have been fatal after I felt great. Because life is bored when is flat, and because those moments when you're wrong and where you get a raise, those moments when everything around you disappears and you forget the time, those moments that you let your personality get naked, those moments that someone gives you all or does not give you anything, those times when you laugh until you cry or when you cry so hard, those moments when you were the happiest and everything was real or in which you trusted someone, but then nothing was true, are all those moments that in the end construct you as a person and write your story.
My story, like everything, is made up of heroes and villains. And for all I'm grateful. My heroes will always be there and the villains are just people who stayed behind, losers, pure mediocrity. But now I smile when I think how bad they made me feel but as with their own poison they have killed themselves.
Anyway, this goes for all of you, thank you for making me shine.
I mean, that often reflect on the passage of time, which I did, what I do or what I will do, and what a contradictory person I am sometimes.
And yes, I can say that I'm lucky in everything. Do you know what I love? When I sit and I start to remember, and I realize that I felt great after having felt fatal, and that I have been fatal after I felt great. Because life is bored when is flat, and because those moments when you're wrong and where you get a raise, those moments when everything around you disappears and you forget the time, those moments that you let your personality get naked, those moments that someone gives you all or does not give you anything, those times when you laugh until you cry or when you cry so hard, those moments when you were the happiest and everything was real or in which you trusted someone, but then nothing was true, are all those moments that in the end construct you as a person and write your story.
My story, like everything, is made up of heroes and villains. And for all I'm grateful. My heroes will always be there and the villains are just people who stayed behind, losers, pure mediocrity. But now I smile when I think how bad they made me feel but as with their own poison they have killed themselves.
Anyway, this goes for all of you, thank you for making me shine.
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